Thursday, March 8, 2012

Trailer Review: Wrath of the Titans

So as I was watching face Off yesterday, something caught my eye right after the Immortals commercial for the movie now on DVD. Well as I was cleaning my room, I noticed the same commercial that caught my eye.  The newest installment to the sequels that seem to be drooled out of Hollywood.  Granted elaborate special digital effects are the craze.
Yet with all these digital effects that seem to dazzle all these people, but whatever happened to actual story telling...the making of a cool ass monster.  I remember when the Original Clash of the Titans came out. There was no fucking talk about man not believing in their Gods.  In fact if these fucking morons realized...that in all the religions....there Gods were important to them.
Even in Greek mythology there was an un-named God that had no figure.  So all the ancient times, they believed in their Gods.  It's the man of today that want to bring their Gods down.  They tear apart things and causing war with everything in their life.  Zeus, Odin, Ra, God or any other Head God was looked at mysterious and they do things in mysterious ways.  Despite what was going on in their life...they had faith in something other than themselves. It brought them through the hardest times.
Today's man has to change the story even though it was a great story told in mythological times. The son of Zeus saving the beautiful princess and saving his fellow man.  He marries the princess and lives happily ever after....but no...stupid morons that have a problem with their Gods or even religion in that retrospect decide to butcher a classic and tell it their way...the hero has an issue with his father.  At the end of this new telling...he marries someone that was immortal. Okay...crappy ending
Yet as I looked up this new Wrath of the has been so-called 10-years and Perseus is now a single father raising a child.  Andromeda is now a Queen.  I mean what the fuck??  How the hell did he end up with someone that was suppose to be a gift to live this mortal life...even bringing her back from the dead, but this bitch lived a long time before that.  Apparently she dies. Now Andromeda is a warrior Queen trying to protect the world because people no longer believe in the Gods.
Seriously!??  10-years before that...the fucking Kraken was destroyed....Hades made it known that the Gods existed and one believes??  Are they kidding me??  An entire city witnessed...and back in the day...they would believe further into the Gods. Today's man, doesn't can have this half-god and destroys a monster and brings down the God of Death in the name of his father...and 10-years later...people will be like "eh"....let's not believe.
I think it's bullshit....something so big...and yet...not everyone looses faith in their belief in the Gods enough to release some terrible evils to the world.  The Titans according to mythology wanted to rule the Earth again but Zeus, father of the Gods took his own father down...who was a Titan.  So...hopefully they can actually have a good movie despite the fact there was tons of loop holes and fucking lame endings to their last one.

Wrath of the Titan should be out on March 30th...let's see...high powered action sequences, lots of digital effects and hardly any real story....

~Hellz Writer~