Friday, June 29, 2012

Short Review: Orlock {{2011}}

There is something about Indie movies that hold a bit more passion than the regular movies can produce.  


~~Warning Spoilers Ahead~~
Filmed in the classic 1930's Sephia.  Our film opens a candlelit alter with a skull and as character Amy Smith {Lori Pirone} drinking from a glass.  It gives that feel of the classic film of telling the story through word cards.   It gives the air that Amy has tried this before of calling the mysterious Count Orlock.
Amy grows weary of waiting and heads for bed.  If you ask me, why the hell would any woman wait for a blood sucker, but there is women like Amy that will offer their souls just be one of the undead.  Amy grows tired and removes her little robe and heads to bed.  The cards inform us that it has been hours since she went to bed.  
You was stood up {{just kidding}}
I know I am an evil person and when reading "Why hasn't he come for me?" My response would be that evil whisper in her ear....cause he doesn't like you, but that wouldn't be very nice to Amy.
Count Graf Orlock {Michael Licatese} finally arrives giving off that creepy stalker vibe by looking through the window.  I must say Orlock was very plump, maybe do to all the people he has been eating.  In a very sexual appearance that Orlock has Amy under his vampire control.   She of course allows the vampire to feed on her.  He drains enough of her, but waits to see if she will awaken as a vampire.
There is some comedic undertones to it as she touches herself, her teeth and sees Orlock standing there in her room.  Yet she got her wish as becoming a vampire.
Of course with any natural woman who lost her undead virginity, unable to believe this is real.  Orlock let's her know that she will be living forever but having to feed off people. It does give that people to fantasize about vampires but could you feed off the living?? It could be fruitful until you get staked in the heart by Buffy.  

~Production Notes~
Written & Directed by Kevin Forte.  Forte Films has produced 3-short films and have accumulated their props between the 3-short films worth around $2 grand.  

~Ask the Director~
Hellz Writer:  What inspired you to write about Orlock?

Kevin: My friend who plays Orlock, Michael Licatese, has a Orlock mask and I wanted to make a short film out of it. Plus "Nosferatu" is my favorite silent film of all time. Which is the reason why I filmed it not just in black & white, but silent as well. Many people love the original 1922 horror classic and I knew that this will drawn them in. I wrote the script in one night with no sleep and began filming in May of 2010. It took longer to film due to a change of an actress. In the end I succeeded making this short and I hope to make the sequel soon.

Hellz Writer: Did you find it difficult to produce a short film??

Kevin: It's a big challenge, I'll tell you that. You gotta figure out when to film, having the right cast, and location scouting. I'm still on the verge of getting everything ready for "Last Laugh 2" but having issues there. Getting a budget for an indie project is not easy. I even tried a donation page earlier this year for "Last Laugh 2" and it didn't go so well. But I'm not giving up on it. This is my dream and nothing will get in my way.

Hellz Writer:  Is there any future projects in store for the audience??

Kevin: "Last Laugh 2" for one. Plus I had this idea for years that I wanna film about 4 serial killers talking about their murders while playing poker. I call it "Cards And Death." I wanna actually make that into a full length indie film. Then there's this idea for a weekly horror talk show with me and many other horror fans just discussing about the world of horror today. But the horror web series is the most that I wanna do. For now it's untitled. But It's about two demonic sin reapers name Jared Scrimm and Pandora Craine, who are called by dead souls that can't find peace until the ones that harm them pay for their sins. I have more ideas in the making. But those three ideas are my top ones.

You may find films directed by Kevin Forte:
Youtube channel
Forte Films

~Final Thoughts~
The short film has been a very cute tale told through the classic filming.  No speech, word cards, jumpy film, Sepia tones and of course the women wishing to be vampires.  In the start of the film, you see candles and a skull and are giving the illusion of the 1930 film set up till there was signs of modernization.  There is no major gore, but yet it was refreshing because too many people have nailed for over amounts of gore.  Yes, the short keeps you glued to it because of the word cards, forcing you to use your senses instead of relying on hearing.  It was well-done. 

Rating system is based on individual movies.

~Hellz Writer~

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