Friday, October 12, 2012

Film Review: The Avengers {{2012}}

Horror movies are awesome, but it always nice to change it up.  It's a double feature of Chris Hemsworth and Joss Whedon in this first ever to assemble a collection of super heroes in the newest addition from Marvel....The Avengers. 


~~Warning Spoilers Ahead~~

We open some where in the universe with the Other talking about the Tesseract a mysterious item that humans have and these beings have an ally that they hand over some scepter.
Back on Earth Agent Phil Coulson {{Clark Gregg}} Talking to Director Nick Fury {{Samuel L. Jackson}} talking about the Tesseract is acting up.  Director Fury informs Agent Maria Hill {{Cobie Smulders}} about removing a phase 2 prototype weapons out of the facility. Director Fury talks with Dr. Erik Selvig {{Stellan Skarsgard}} about the Tesseract acting up.  Which we find out it's the cube from Captain America and at the end of Thor.  Director Fury questions Clint Barton/Hawkeye {{Jeremy Renner}} about the information of why the Tesseract is acting up.
Hawkeye gives the foreshadowing that something is activating it on the other side.  When a portal opens and Loki {{Tom Hiddleston}} comes through and using the scepter controls Dr. Selvig and Hawkeye causing Director Fury to destroy the facility, but not before Loki takes the Tesseract and manages to get away despite Director Fury's attempts to stop them.
Director Fury informs Agent Coulson and Agent Hill that they are now at war and leads into the title of the Avengers.
We go to somewhere in Russia where Natasha Romanoff/ Black Widow {{Scarlett Johanson}} is appearing to being interrogated and in trouble.  A phone call from Agent Coulson changes all that.  She is informed that Hawkeye/Barton has been compromised.  The funny thing about this scene was when she tells Agent Coulson that she was putting him on hold while kicking the other guys ass and he was very cool and waited proving that she was playing victim. 
Agent Romanoff was told that she is in charge bringing in the big guy which she thought Tony Stark/Iron Man {{Robert Downey Jr.}}, but realized that it was Dr. Bruce Banner/Hulk {{Mark Ruffalo}}.  She finds him and tries to convince him to help find the Tesseracts gama radiation signature.
Director Fury talks to a secret council about Loki's act of war.  Which leads to Steve Rogers/Captain America {{Chris Evans}} in a gym trying to release his stress and having flashbacks.  Director Fury hands Steve/Captain America the file about the Tesseract.  Yet, Steve's old fashion values is refreshing in the way he communicates and views how the world should be.
Next we are seeing Tony Stark fixing his newest building with Pepper Potts {{Gwyneth Paltrow}} who not only is his business partner and lover.  Agent Coulson hands Tony a packet which we realize that Miss Potts keeps Tony in line.  Tony Starks character isn't as self absorbed as he has been in his previous films and it maybe due to the romantic relationship.  Jarvis{{Paul Bettany}} appeared more human and less robotic in his conversation with Tony than the previous films.
We find out that Agent Coulson has a deep admiration for Steve/Captain America and has some boyish qualities over mooning over Captain America.  Captain America finds out from Black Widow that Agent Coulson has vintage trading cards and hasn't had the courage to ask for his signature.  Both Captain America and Dr. Banner are shocked about the ship they are on that is now a flying ship.
Loki talks to Dr. Selvig and Hawkeye about what the Tesseract has shown them.  Leading them to a party in Germany where they managed to use a man's eye to get something for the Tesseract.  Loki informs the people that he will rule over them.  As an elderly gentleman stands up to Loki, Captain America shows up to protect him.  Captain America and Loki have a fight until Tony Stark shows up in his elaborate ways helping them out in capturing Loki.
As they are in the ship...a lightening storm enues and appears Thor {{Chris Hemsworth}} and takes Loki away to ask where is the Tesseract. Tony goes after them without listening to Captain America.  Captain America goes after them as well.  Loki and Thor have a conversation and we start to see how Loki has unraveled with his hatred towards his brother.  The one thing that was funny was when Thor tells Loki to listen and Tony yanks him away...causing Loki to say a funny one liner.
Thor revealing that he is taking Loki back to face Asgardian justice. Thor and Tony start to have a royal rumble over getting in each others way.  Captain America tries to stop the fight and be the voice of reason between them.  Loki arrives as a prisoner with a smile on his face as he sees Dr. Banner.
Director Fury talks with Loki while the rest observe the conversation.  The group converse about what Loki has possibly planned.  The one thing that I really didn't get was why the hell did we care about one of the Agents playing a computer game.
Tony uses his suspicions on Director Fury about why he is wanting this energy cube.  Tony uses his annoyance and at the same time flare to try to get others rallied or under their skin.  Tony rubs Steve/Captain America the wrong way, but Dr. Banner convinces him that there is something aloft about why Tony and Dr. Banner were needed.
Agent Coulson comforts Thor with the love of his life and how she was safe.  Thor and Agent Coulson have a candid heart to heart and yet you can see tons of pain in Thor's eyes.  Director Fury allows Thor to focus why does it appear that Loki is the only one on the boat that wants to be there.
Black Widow goes in there to talk to Loki in a pretense of saving Barton/Haweye and has this air that she is hurt over his words.   Trying to find out his play and he indirectly informs her that he is going to use the Hulk on the ship.  There is an argument on between the champions that is caused by the scepter. Forcing them show their true feelings....Tony held some contempt towards Captain America because his father talked about him all the time.....they all showed signs of contempt for each other in a form.
In the midst Hawkeye and his team blast the ship to get the Hulk worked up.  Tony and Steve team up into getting the ship back, while Black Widow tries to get away from the Hulk.  Loki is pleased with what he has done.  Thor tries to protect Black Widow from the Hulk and  they have a battle.  Agent Hill sends a plane to shoot at the Hulk before he does any more damage to the flying ship.
The Hulk falls to the ground, while Loki kills Agent Coulson in front of Thor and sends Thor down in the cage that was built for the Hulk.  Black Widow knocks Hawkeye unconscious recalibrating his mind.  Director Fury talks with Captain America and Tony about Agent Coulson's old fashion dream on wishing to see the Avengers initiative succeed.
Tony returns to his tower and tries to shut down the Tesseract, but knocks Dr. Selvig out.  Tony has his suit removed and converses with Loki for a bit.  Tony has his new suit on and knocks Loki down.  Loki sends forth the army to conquer earth. Thor tries to talk to his brother one final time, but realizes that it's best to help the humans. Finally they all band together and follow Captain America in working as a team.  In the midst of working together, the funniest battle scenes was with the Hulk when he punches Thor as they stood side to side.  And slams the hell out of Loki as he is belittling him.  Leaving him on the floor all beat up.  Iron man uses a nuclear weapon to destroy the control center to the Chitari.  Thor, Captain America and the Hulk stand over a knocked out Iron man.  Tony comes to and talks about going to eat, but first they go to a knocked out Loki.
As in classic Marvel fashion at the end of the credits, you see the Other talking about the failure of Loki.  Yet if you watch the complete will see the Avengers eating Shawarma restaurant..a first for Marvel to have two post credit scenes.  . 

~Production Notes~
The Avengers was written and directed by Joss Whedon.  Sotry by Zack Penn and Joss Whedon that is naturally based on the Marvel Universe. 
The creation of the Marvel installment of The Avengers took years to plan, starting from year 2005.  Several different changes to the cast line up and so forth.  To type out the entire ordeal would be longer than the movie review.  To say the least we all know how Hollywood operates.  Lots of plans and lots of changes.  The film did very well in the box office and that is the final break down for Hollywood grossing over $1 billion dollars.   

~Final Thoughts~
There was several things that bugged me in the Avengers.  One is that they can't seem to nail a Hulk down.  Yes, CGI rendition of a man in green is easy.  But we have seen several different actors play Bruce Banner and each actor brings something different to the table.  This time around he seemed very whiny and cry-babyish and it wasn't like the last two Bruce Banner.  There was some funny aspects and great one liners that Joss Whedon does project, along with the conflict of learning to work as a team.  We have seen it in the Buffy series to Serenity.
Over all it was a highly entertaining movie and please watching every aspect of the film.  You may miss something if you look to your side.  I know it is something I would add to my movie collection because of the entertaining value that would be nice to see in my collection.

Each film is rated individually

~Hellz Writer~

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